He is a superhero whose first appearance was in the magazine Action Comics No. 1 in April 1938. He is the first superhero of history and he is the popularest superhero of the world. Superman was born on the distant planet Krypton with the name Kal-El. He was found in Smallville for the Clent family. He was developing his powerfuls to fight for truth, justice and american lifestyle. In his human life he worked in the newspaper Daily Mail. In his life superhero he dressed an uniform red and blue with a cape and a belt and chest logo, which consists of the silhouette of a diamond (to illustrate the strength of the hero) that fits an "S".
Superman would affect kriptonita.
The powerfuls of Superman are: flies very fast , he is faster than a plane,
has super strength , he can catch a plane, X-ray , telescopic and termic vision, highly tuned ear, speaks all languages of the Earth and other planets and he is invulnerable to bullets.
He hasn´t got a car or motorbike he only transports flying.

Well done! Thanks for sending in your superhero post. Here are my corrections:
He is a superhero whose first appearance was in the magazine Action Comics No. 1 in April 1938. He is the first superhero of history and he is the (popularest) THE MOST POPULAR superhero (of) IN the world. Superman was born on the distant planet Krypton with the name Kal-El. He was found in Smallville (for)BY the KENT family. He was developing his (powerfuls)POWERS to fight for truth, justice and THE American (lifestyle)WAY. In his human life he worked in the newspaper THE Daily Mail. In his (life) superhero LIFE he dressed IN A (an uniform) red and blue UNIFORM with a cape and a belt and chest logo, which consistED of the silhouette of a diamond (to illustrate the strength of the hero) that fitTED an "S".
Superman (would affect kriptonita) IS AFFECTED BY KRYPTONITE.
(The powerfuls of) Superman'S POWERS are: HE flies very fast , he is faster than a plane, HE has super strength , he can catch a plane, HE HAS X-ray , telescopic and termic vision, A highly tuned ear, CAN speaks all languages of the Earth and other planets and he is invulnerable to bullets. He hasn´t got a car or motorbike he only transports HIMSELF BY flying.