In Atlanta in 1886 a pharmacist called John S. Pemberton developed a formula of medicin for one drink "delicious and refrescant".
His friend Frank Robinson made the mark and the emblem.
They hung a cartel in Jacob´s farmacia and the people bougth their drink.
In his first advertisement in a newspaper of Atlanta was putting the qualities of Coca-cola : delicious, refreshing and stimulant.
The mark registred on January 21, 1893 in EEUU.
In 1897 the Coca-cola went out of the country.
In 1898 the coca-cola was drinking in all EEUU.
In 1899 the personnel of the company met and they are only 20 people and now, they are 8.000.000 people!
In 1921 Coca-cola arrived to Europe and it was a failure because it caused poisonings.
The stoppers were of cork and they and the water was pure so a toxic drink was taking produced.
Coca-cola arrived Spain in the twentis and few people could drink it; therefore the Coca-cola coul drink in Spain in the fifties.
In this moment it is one of the refreshments most drunk in the world.
Personally I am charmed with the announcements that they do.